Every Little Step
"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little" -Edmund Burke
We often put off cleaning the garage because the job seems too big to finish. We refrain from doing anything to help the poor in our community because the need is too great. We don't start a diet because we'll never be able to take off all of our excess weight.
But if we cleaned just one portion of the garage each weekend, or made one small donation to a local charity each month, or drank one less can of soda each day, before long we would have accomplished a great deal - certainly much more than had we done nothing.
Instead of being overwhelmed by the size of a task in front of me, I can take one small action at a time. These actions add up. Taking some action is better than taking none at all. Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction, ends up being the biggest step you can make.
The smaller the step, the less overwhelming it will seem. The less scary it will be. We are more likely to take the action to check that small step off your list. Then move on to the next one.
Sometimes you end up finding that those, one or two small steps was all you needed to take. Sometimes that in itself is enough. Sometimes you set off a ripple effect and you realize that these small differences mad a bigger impact than expected.
Live in the moment. Live for today. Take life as it comes. One minute at a time, one hour at a time, one step at a time, on day at a time. Break it down into teeny-tiny doable steps. What small step of change can you make today that could make a big impact?
Make today great!
"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
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