Love What You Do, By Changing Your Perspective
"When you're following your energy and doing what you want all the time, the distinction between work and play dissolves." - Shakti Gawain
If we're lucky, we have work that is fulfilling and meaningful. We may all know those people who tell us they can't wait to start work each day. They just love what they do. The time just seems to fly by for them. How many times have you heard "Do what you love, and love what you do and you'll never have to work another day of your life." Not everyone might have work that seems significant. But there is a way to find significance in whatever it is we are doing. We can find ways to make our work more meaningful, no matter how humble or routine it may seem.
It's all about perspective. We have the choice to reinvent ourselves to become vital in whatever it is we are doing. To make a difference, to contribute, to add value. Small subtle changes in the way you work could make a difference on what you get out of it. If we begin to see things in a different perspective, we can think in a different perspective. If we create things differently, we can contribute to others differently. It's about the way you think. It's about the choices we make. We have the choice to change the mindset of the what, the why and the how we do what we do. It's a conscious choice. You have the power to choose. And it's about choosing to make a difference.
I have always said, "Change is going to happen. You either help to create it, or you become a result of it.". You have a chance to significantly change your life for the better. And it comes simply by making that choice.
You all have greatness inside you. You all have the ability to add value to others. Stand up and choose to make a difference. Stand up and begin looking at things differently. You may not need a new job, or something different to do. You may just need to change your perception of what you do and see things from a different lens.
Here's some things you can do to begin seeing things differently:
- Look at things from a higher level. Learn to see the bigger picture of things. What are the long term benefits? How do you contribute to a bigger success? What role do I play? How can I make a connection and a difference?
- What can you learn from this experience? There is always something you can learn. You can learn what works. You can learn what not to do. You can learn something new.
- Give of yourself. Seek opportunities to help someone else. How can you help make someone else's day better? What can we do that will benefit our coworkers?
- Always try to be improving. How can you do it better? How can you make it more simple? How can you create something new? How can you be more efficient or effective? How can we do our job so that it challenges us in some way?
- Be positive. In what you think, what you say, how you act, what you do. Sheer influence will rub off on others and it will create a positive and fun environment to be in.
- Be passionate about what you are doing, no matter how mundane it may feel. Be creative. Try something new. A new approach. A new technique. Keep it fun, keep it simple and keep it interesting.
- Be present. Live in the now. Enjoy the moment. Don't fret over the past. Don't worry about the future. Just worry about making the best of each moment.
Now I know you are not always going to enjoy everything you do at every given moment you are doing it. But you can learn to make the best of every given situation. Not every day is going to be the best. But you can definitely make the best of every day! It is up to me to make my work, or what I am doing more satisfying. If I think that's impossible, what do I need to do to find something that will mean more to me? The world is changing. People are changing. The way we work is changing. More and more people are taking a step back to discover themselves and who they want to become or how they want to live their lives. Your time is now.
Make today great!
"Act as if what you do make a difference. It does." - William James
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