Choose To Be Happy


"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln


If only. If only this, if only that. I'd be happy if only. There's always something we're waiting for; the right relationship, the right job, the right living situation, a child, a raise, a change of season. Whatever it is, we believe that when that certain thing happens or we achieve that change in circumstance, then we'll be happy. The grass always seems to be greener on the other side.


But how often have you obtained this 'thing' you thought would bring you happiness only to find out that even though the circumstances have changed, the feeling remains the same. You find that wasn't truly the key to happiness.


When we look around, we see plenty of people who are happy even without any of the things we want. They simply decide to be happy now, rather than postponing their happiness for a time that may never come. The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just choose to make the best out of everything. The happiest people don't always get what they want, but they learn to want what it is they get. It's a choice. It's a decision. It's a commitment and a promise to themselves.


It's ok to want more.  It's okay to strive to improve.  It's ok to want your circumstances to be different. In fact we need to strive for more.  But not at the sake of downgrading today.


The reason happiness often eludes us is that our brains simply aren't wired that way. We focus on how to survive, how to protect ourselves and keep ourselves safe. But we get stuck focusing on the negative aspects of life. Existing instead of living. If we continue to live in the state of thinking the past was better than it really was, the present worse than it really is, and in fear that the future will not really get any better…then we'll continually be in a state of unhappiness. It's time to stop this way of thinking.


Happiness in itself is a state of mind, not a set of circumstances. Tell yourself "I can, and will, choose to be happy today. The happiness you feel in your life depends on the quality of your thoughts, your attitude, being positive. Can it really be that easy? Well, the simple answer to this is yes, it can be. But the truth is the act itself is not always that easy. It, like everything else, you need to work on it. You need to turn it into a positive habit. Consistently focusing on this will lead to a happier life.


Decide what is right for you today. Believe in yourself and that you deserve to be happy. Control what you can control. Choose your thoughts, choose your attitudes, choose your actions. Choose to be happy.


Make today great!




"Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want." - Jim Rohn


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