The Power of Association


"Don't spend most of your time on the voices that don't count, voices that are going to add too little worth to your future. Don't waste time on the shallow and the silly. Tune those voices out and tune in voices that are going to add something to your life." - Jim Rohn

Someone once said if you look at the people in your social and professional circles and don't get inspired to grow beyond yourself, you don't have a circle; you have a cage.  Jim Rohn said you become an average of the five people you associate with most. The people we spend our time with influence our conversations, what we think about and believe, what dominates our attention, and our attitudes and opinions.

People will either lift you up; or pull you down. They will either raise your standards or lower your morals. Look around you and count the number of people in your circle who genuinely inspire you to be your best self.

Decide which of your friends and relatives are the best influences and find ways to create more time for them. Seek to spend time with people who are going to lift you higher. People who push you to do better, achieve more, and inspire you to stretch beyond the limits of your imagination of what you can accomplish and all that you can become. Decide which colleagues, leaders, and mentors you need in your life who genuinely want you to improve and succeed.

Then, take a hard look and decide if there are some people in your life that you might need to break away from completely—the negative, toxic people who infect you with bad attitudes, bad habits, and bad ideas. Keep away from people who try to crush your dreams or belittle you and your ambitions, especially during these unprecedented times. Be cautious of those who have limiting mindsets. They will work hard to drag you down to their level.

We must constantly evaluate our associations and ask ourselves these questions: Who am I around the most? Are these people influencing me positively or negatively? Are these people pushing me to come up with solutions or providing me with excuses? Are these people encouraging me and my aspirations, or do they hinder me with doubt and fear?

Warren Buffet said, "Surround yourself with people that push you to do better. No drama or negativity. Just higher goals and higher motivation. Good times and positive energy. No jealousy or hate. Simply bringing out the absolute best in each other."  That sums it up.

You don't need multi-millionaires, celebrities, or national athletes to inspire you. The people you surround yourself with daily have a considerable influence over your mindset and, in turn, your actions, and they shape you into the person you become. Surround yourself only with people who push and inspire you to be the best possible version of yourself.

Make today great,


"Who you choose to surround yourself with matters. Choose wisely." - Brian Tracy


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