Productivity Is Never An Accident

"The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." - Stephen Covey

These are unprecedented times filled with so much uncertainty.  Causing drastic changes in the way we do things.  Some things may never be the same.  But here's the thing about change, we know it's the only constant thing.  Change is always going to happen, it is always going to come.  You are either creating it, or you becoming a result of it.  Which do you choose?  

With social distancing, some of us have been awarded with the gift of time (or the illusion of more time).  Think about it, you might step out of bed and you are instantly 'at work'.  No long commutes.  Less driving around to go to 'events'.  What are you doing with this 'extra' time? This is the perfect time to create change within ourselves and stay productive. Create a list of things you want to get done, and start doing them.  Set a new workout regimen.  Read a good book.  Reach out to a friend.  Or on a deeper level: Take time to reflect.  Focus on your purpose.  Count your blessings.  

There are a number of things you can do to make productive use of your time. Who doesn't love being productive? That feeling we get when we check something off of our list of To Do's. The satisfaction of being able to achieve and just getting things done helps to create peace of mind.  Here's some tips to help your productivity:

  1. Write things down: Every task, every commitment should be written down.  This frees your mind from the energy and 'attention-sucking' job of trying to remember everything.
  2. Get a head start: It's best to review your list the night before, and again first thing in the morning.  This will make you better prepared and less likely to be caught off guard.
  3. Do your most dreaded task first: Whatever it is, it hangs over your head, distracting you with guilt because it keeps getting pushed to the next day and the next.  It's time to end that cycle.  Do it.
  4. Turn off distractions: Work to eliminate the distractions of constant interruptions.  Turn off your phone alerts until you complete that task that needs your full attention.
  5. Take mental and physical breaks: No matter how busy you are, after a certain amount of time, the law of diminishing returns kicks in, and fatigue, physical and/or mental, starts to impair your effectiveness.  Stand up, stretch, get a drink of water, take a walk.
  6. Batch process: Try to group similar tasks and schedule certain times during the day to knock them out at once.  Answering emails? Returning phone calls? Entering expenses in a spreadsheet? Instead of interrupting your other tasks to do these things piecemeal, batch them.
  7. Eat healthy and Get Some Exercise: Healthy people are more productive.
  8. Delegate: What tasks could someone else do, that will free you up to focus on the things only you can do?
  9. Say no: How many commitments have you mad that don't really need to be kept at all? Remove tasks that don't actually matter.

We will never finish everything on our to-do lists.  It's not possible, and that is life. Sometimes it is best to just get up and do something. One thing at a time.   Don't focus your goal on having to 'get more done', but rather work to make it your goal to 'have less to do'.  It's not always that we need to do more but rather that we need to focus on less. Don't waste time over thinking things or things may never get done. To stay productive, just do.  

We are at our happiest when we stay productive.  We get joy when we get things done.  The happiest people don't always 'have' the best of everything, they just 'make' the best of everything.  The more mindful we are about happiness, the happier we become.  Make the best out of today. Set goals, take action!

Make today great!


"Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort." - Paul J. Meyer


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