Your Ideal Self

"Ideals are like stars; we never reach them, but like the mariners of the sea, we chart our course by them." - Carl Schurz

I think we all want to improve ourselves in some way, shape or form. And in order to live life to the fullest, and to strive to become the best versions of ourselves we need to want improve.

But sometimes, I think we become frustrated with ourselves in the process. We shouldn't become frustrated because we sometimes feel like we are never quite as good as we'd like to be. Or that the world never lives up to our expectations.

We may never reach all of our ideals. But we still need to have ideals and make working towards them our life mission. Without ideals, we would have nothing to strive for.

Although we may never be as good as we would like to be, we can always strive to get closer to our ideal self each and every day. Start today. Make today a great day!

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