Expect To Win

"You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win." - Zig Ziglar

Expectations create reality. You have to believe you will win and succeed at whatever you are trying to achieve well in advance of heading down that path toward achievement. Every time you put yourself out there, you should expect to win.

How do you gain this level of conviction?

It is in your mental preparation and the work you put into it. You have to know what you want to achieve and understand what it could take to obtain it. You have to visualize the outcome, and you have to understand why you want to achieve it. Repeat these thoughts and feelings over and over again in your mind to create muscle memory. You have to believe in yourself and have confidence in your abilities to achieve great things. If you don't expect to win, then you've already admitted the chance of defeat.

The people I consider successful all have at least one thing in common; they expect to win. They see themselves as winners, and whatever they put their minds to, they accomplish. They still may not succeed at achieving their original goal. People are not going to win all the time, and their win does not always happen in the way they initially intended.  But because they know what it takes to win, in the end, they succeed.

We ought to be confident enough to know we have a chance of winning. Be prepared to win. And expect to win.

Make today great!


"There never was a winner that didn't expect to win in advance." - Denis Waitley


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