One At A Time

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." - Robert Collier

We all desire positive change in our lives. We all feel some level of discomfort, however, when faced with unexpected challenges when they come along the way. Occasionally in life we can feel overwhelmed with all of the things we have to do in order to reach our future goals. Often this creates us to avoid things in the present moment. And we end up wasting away our time and life doing nothing. 

If you want to end up just like everyone else, it takes no effort to join the crowd. But to those who want to live a life of significance, with meaning and purpose, you need to intentionally get up and get moving, and push yourself to make things happen. 

It can take a long time and cause a great deal of discomfort before we are willing to make major changes in our lives. When we finally do take that important first step, we're often so eager for immediate results that we become impatient if things don't happen as quickly as we would like them to. Could it be possible that we grow impatient and frustrated because we're tackling our new goals with the same old and ineffective tools we've always used; self-will, perfectionism, and the expectation of instant success? We need to force ourselves out of the rut of doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.

What we really need to do is to think differently and to challenge the status quo. Now is the time to approach these goals with new tools and new attitudes; along with acceptance and patience, followed by willingness to take action one day at a time, one step at a time, one moment at a time, even when results aren't readily apparent.  It is your choice every day to either be stuck in average or to strive for greatness.

Above all, we need to remember that no one can turn around his or her entire life overnight. Not only is that an unattainable goal, it is also extremely burdensome one. If we were to be successful at changing, we should try to understand that progress usually comes gradually and we should count on the fact that it will occasionally be interrupted by seeming setbacks. Expect them. Prepare yourself for them.

Seek progress, not perfection. We need to be content with taking things one tiny step at a time. That's what life is. Every day we need to continue to make teeny-tiny improvements toward our goals. When you look back, you will be surprised at how much progress you have made. The key is to do something, to move forward. Even if you are on the right track, you'll surely be run over if you don't take action and move forward.

One day at a time you can change your life. One step at a time you can go from good to great. One moment at at time, you can make a choice, a decision to take positive action. Everything is possible to those who believe and put forth the effort. With consistent focus and continuous action you can accomplish anything. It's time to bring out the greatness inside of you and do what you want to do, become who you were meant to be, and have everything you want.

Live your life with passion, dedication, discipline, consistency, perseverance and determination to be the best version of you, you can possibly be. Start today, one day at a time. Start by doing something,  one step at a time. Start now, one moment at a time.

Make today great!


"Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still. It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward, only to stumble backward." - Chinese Proverb


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